2022 Newsletter

Newsletter – September 2022

Welcome to the September 2022 Hungerford Club newsletter for all members.

All members should have received a copy via email. If you did not receive your copy please check your spam folder. If it isn’t there then please update us with your correct email address.

We hope you enjoy reading The Hungerford Club newsletter and catching up on the news from all sections of the club.


Hungerford Town Council Footways Survey

For many members the easiest way to complete the Hungerford Town Council footways survey is to fill in the online version via Surveymonkey at the following address:

Alternatively download the paper version and print off a copy. The questions are exactly the same. There are a few copies in the bar at the club.

Return to Hungerford Town Council office, The Library, Church St, Hungerford, RG17 0JG (survey closes 30th Sept)

2022 Food

Beer Festival 2022

The main attraction of a beer festival is, of course, the beer! There will be twelve cask ales. Some will be from local brewers and others will come from afar! To cater for all there will be two craft lagers and three ciders.

As well as the guest beers we will be providing entertainment and food for you to enjoy while sampling beers from around the country.

Guest beers

We will have guest beers catering for a diverse range of tastes. Here’s the list with tasting notes.

NameABV %Tasting Notes
Skinners Cornish Knocker4.5%The taste of the delicate floral hops trails citrus with a slight pine bitterness and leaves you with a mild biscuit finish.
Bass4.4%English hops and dry hopping. This ale is described as a classic ale with a malty, fruity, nutty aroma and a complex satisfying flavour
Vale English IPA3.7%A light copper English IPA that packs far more flavour than its abv would suggest. A three hop blend with dry planet malt creates a real sessionable thirst quencher.
Old Hooky Premium Ruby4.6%A subtly balanced, amber bitter, hoppy to the nose, malty on the palate – the classic session beer, eminently drinkable.
Hobsons Champion
3.2%A British classic crafted to our brewers special recipe makes this a nutty mild and, despite being only 3.2% abv, it is packed full of flavour
Bitter & Twisted3.8%A superbly balanced, refreshingly lively beer. It has a malty sweet aroma with a floral, fruity hoppiness.
Dinga Dinda4.0%Australian inspired pale ale full of Pacific hops for a fruit flavour packed summer beer.
Clutch4.6%Aromatic and tangy hops from the other side of the pond to give this red a fresh hit that compliments the caramel flavours of the malts.
Fork Handles4.2%A malty blonde ale with aromas of lemon and honey with a gentle spicy finish.
Sheep dip3.8%An easy-drinking amber ale with aromas of grassy hops and malt with a long bittersweet finish.
Black Hama4.8%Porter – This packs a chocolate and coffee punch with a creamy head and a liquorice undertone. Using cascade hops and a blend of malts to produce a smooth, rich and delicious traditional Baltic porter.
Wayland Smithy4.4%Fire at its heart and balanced with buckets of aromatic hops, it’s enough to give other brewers the hump.
Baldrick3.4%A very smooth and more-ish mild ale that delivers plenty of malty flavours.


We will be rolling out the barbeque serving the usual BBQ food over the three days. There will be fresh filled rolls on offer also.


For your entertainment there will be live music on all three days.

2022 Newsletter

Newsletter – July 2022

Welcome to the July 2022 Hungerford Club newsletter for all members.

All members should have received a copy via email. If you did not receive your copy please check your spam folder. If it isn’t there then please update us with your correct email address.

We hope you enjoy reading The Hungerford Club newsletter and catching up on the news from all sections of the club.

2022 Newsletter

Newsletter – June 2022

Welcome to the June 2022 Hungerford Club newsletter for all members.

This month’s newsletter is a little later than usual due to the Queen’s Jubilee.

All members should have received a copy via email. If you did not receive your copy please check your spam folder. If it isn’t there then please update us with your correct email address.

We hope you enjoy reading The Hungerford Club newsletter and catching up on the news from all sections of the club.


Queen’s Jubilee

The Croft was thronged with townsfolk who brought picnics, chairs and blankets to The Croft. There was music and entertainment throughout the afternoon with musicians performing on the back of a flatbed truck from A4 Hire. A sound system was setup with the mixing desk protected by a gazebo. The club provided electrical power.

The Queen didn't really visit Hungerford Jubilee picnic but the mayor did!
The Queen didn’t really visit Hungerford Jubilee picnic but the mayor did! Jubilee picnic – 5th June 2022

On the Croft Field the monthly market took place in the morning. Then stalls were set up around the perimeter of the field while in the middle of the area there were activities and completions. The Hungerford Rugby Club were challenging all comers to tug-of-war.

The Croft was crowded during the Queen's Jubilee picnic. Sunday 5th June 2022.
The Croft was crowded during the Queen’s Jubilee picnic. Sunday 5th June 2022.

The Hungerford Club brought the barbecue round to the front of the clubhouse. The picnic tables were moved onto the grass area for the public to use while tables from the Croft Hall were placed at the front of the club. The pizza oven was in action round the back of the club and the the bar was selling drinks and taking payment for the pizzas, burgers and hot dogs.

Hungerford Club - Barbeque serving food all day. Jubilee Picnic - 5th June 2022
The Hungerford Club served barbecue food and pizza all day. Jubilee Picnic – 5th June 2022

Later the Hungerford Town band provided the accompaniment for a sing-along styled after the Last Night of the Proms. Of course the event was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem.

Overall the Hungerford Town Council should be commended for organising an enjoyable, entertaining and happy occasion.

Click here to see the Penny Post write up and photos. (external link, opens in a new tab)

Click here for a lot more photos (external link, opens in a new tab)

2022 Food

Hungerford Club open for Jubilee picnic

Hungerford Town Council are organising a picnic for all on The Croft on Sunday 5th June 2022.

Food available

Having recently purchased a pizza oven the Hungerford Club will be using it to everybody’s advantage during the weekend celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee.

Both the pizza oven and barbecue will be fired up to provide picnickers on The Croft with delicious hot food freshly cooked.

Drinks will be available from the bar including the usual range of beers, lagers and soft drinks.

Opening times

The club will open at noon on both Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th June and will be taking orders from members and the public alike. To save congestion within the club, orders for food and drinks will be taken outside. Tables outside the club will have plates, cutlery etc.

We hope to see you on The Croft with your picnic blanket or chairs if you have them. We hope you have a great time with your family and friends as we all celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee.


Hungerford Club wins CAMRA Club of the Year Award 2022

Congratulations to The Steward, Debbie Hutchins, for receiving the CAMRA Club of the Year 2022 on Thursday, 21st April. The award recognises the hard work that Debbie puts in to make the social side of the club alive and vibrant. You are recommended to read the CAMRA write up of the award at

Everyone is welcome to join the Hungerford Club. Click here for membership details.

2022 Newsletter

Newsletter – May 2022

Welcome to the May 2022 Hungerford Club newsletter for all members.

All members should have received a copy via email. If you did not receive your copy please check your spam folder. If it isn’t there then please update us with your correct email address.

We hope you enjoy reading The Hungerford Club newsletter and catching up on the news from all sections of the club.

2022 Food

Hungerford Platinum Jubilee Picnic – Sunday 5th June 2022

On Sunday 5th June 2022 the Hungerford Town Council are organising a picnic on The Croft to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The council has asked various Hungerford organisations to assist and The Hungerford Club is pleased to help.

Hungerford residents are invited to bring their own picnic and chairs to The Croft. There will be activities, stalls and competitions on the Croft Field. Refreshments will be available from a number of vendors.

The Club will be setting up a pizza oven and a barbecue in front of the club from which we will be selling food and drinks to those attending the picnic.