2022 Newsletter

Newsletter – July 2022

Welcome to the July 2022 Hungerford Club newsletter for all members.

All members should have received a copy via email. If you did not receive your copy please check your spam folder. If it isn’t there then please update us with your correct email address.

We hope you enjoy reading The Hungerford Club newsletter and catching up on the news from all sections of the club.

2022 Newsletter

Newsletter – June 2022

Welcome to the June 2022 Hungerford Club newsletter for all members.

This month’s newsletter is a little later than usual due to the Queen’s Jubilee.

All members should have received a copy via email. If you did not receive your copy please check your spam folder. If it isn’t there then please update us with your correct email address.

We hope you enjoy reading The Hungerford Club newsletter and catching up on the news from all sections of the club.

2022 Food

Hungerford Club open for Jubilee picnic

Hungerford Town Council are organising a picnic for all on The Croft on Sunday 5th June 2022.

Food available

Having recently purchased a pizza oven the Hungerford Club will be using it to everybody’s advantage during the weekend celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee.

Both the pizza oven and barbecue will be fired up to provide picnickers on The Croft with delicious hot food freshly cooked.

Drinks will be available from the bar including the usual range of beers, lagers and soft drinks.

Opening times

The club will open at noon on both Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th June and will be taking orders from members and the public alike. To save congestion within the club, orders for food and drinks will be taken outside. Tables outside the club will have plates, cutlery etc.

We hope to see you on The Croft with your picnic blanket or chairs if you have them. We hope you have a great time with your family and friends as we all celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee.

2022 Newsletter

Newsletter – May 2022

Welcome to the May 2022 Hungerford Club newsletter for all members.

All members should have received a copy via email. If you did not receive your copy please check your spam folder. If it isn’t there then please update us with your correct email address.

We hope you enjoy reading The Hungerford Club newsletter and catching up on the news from all sections of the club.

2022 Food

Hungerford Platinum Jubilee Picnic – Sunday 5th June 2022

On Sunday 5th June 2022 the Hungerford Town Council are organising a picnic on The Croft to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The council has asked various Hungerford organisations to assist and The Hungerford Club is pleased to help.

Hungerford residents are invited to bring their own picnic and chairs to The Croft. There will be activities, stalls and competitions on the Croft Field. Refreshments will be available from a number of vendors.

The Club will be setting up a pizza oven and a barbecue in front of the club from which we will be selling food and drinks to those attending the picnic.

2022 Newsletter

Newsletter – April 2022

Welcome to the April 2022 Hungerford Club newsletter for all members.

All members should have received a copy via email. If you did not receive your copy please check your spam folder. If it isn’t there then please update us with your correct email address.

We hope you enjoy reading The Hungerford Club newsletter and catching up on the news from all sections of the club.

2021 Food

Sunday Roasts in April 2022

Sunday lunches are £10.00. Deserts are £4.00 But we are reviewing our prices due to increases in the cost of the raw ingredients.

10th April 2022Roast Pork with all the trimmings
17th April 2022Celebrate Easter Sunday with Roast Turkey with seasonal vegetables.
Subject to availability. Please put your name on the sheet in the bar.
2022 Newsletter

Newsletter – February 2022

Welcome to the February 2022 Hungerford Club newsletter for all members.

All members should have received a copy via email. If you did not receive your copy please check your spam folder. If it isn’t there then please update us with your correct email address.

We hope you enjoy reading The Hungerford Club newsletter and catching up on the news from all sections of the club.


New Defibrillator is live.

Recent visitors to The Hungerford Club can’t fail to notice a defibrillator box has appeared to the right of the club entrance.

We are pleased to announce that, as of 13:00 on Tuesday 18th Jan 2022, the defibrillator went live with the emergency services.

If you recall there was a fundraising campaign, via The Good Exchange, that completed in July. The club ordered the defibrillator and it was delivered late last year.

The cabinet that protects the defibrillator requires an electric supply. This is used to charge the batteries and to power a small heater that regulates the temperature within the cabinet. The supply circuit was connected last week paving the way for the cabinet to be mounted on the outside wall of the club. The unit went live after commissioning tests and updates to the emergency services database were complete.

As a piece of life saving equipment, the defibrillator has to be ready for use 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. To ensure this is the case weekly and monthly checks have to to be completed. After use, there has to be a more thorough check and the replacement of parts.

Should the defibrillator be needed dial 999 and ask the responder.

Importantly, while the defibrillator is owned by the club, it is there for the benefit of any member of the public.

2022 Newsletter

Newsletter – January 2022

The Hungerford Club wishes all members a Happy New Year.

There’s no formal newsletter this month but we have two things to pass on.

Bar closure

Firstly, the bar will be closed from Monday 10th January 2022 to Friday 14th January 2022 inclusive. The bar will open on Saturday 15th January with the normal winter opening hours. We are taking advantage of the quiet spell after New Year to carry out some maintenance in the bar area.

Table Bowls league

Secondly, we have decided that we will offer the members the opportunity of playing the game of table bowls through the winter months.

Table bowls is a game played on our snooker tables usually with two teams of two players. The game consists of rolling small bowls down a chute at a jack. The team with the nearest bowl to the jack gains a point and if the team has more than one bowl near the jack then that bowl will also score. Clearly the team with the highest score wins the game.

The simplicity of the game is that of the four bowls played each one has a different bias with the player using the bias to guide the bowl to the jack. Two or three ends will usually be enough to *Get your eye in*. The game is a fun game and has been played at the Club for a number of years. There are a number of members who will be only too pleased to give any member a quick demonstration of the game.

So this year we have a small committee who are prepared to restart the competition, so here we go!

The details

  • The games will be open to All members of the Club, Mixed, or Ladies or Gentlemen teams.
  • The first games are to be played on a Tuesday evening starting on the 18th January at 8.00 pm and every Tuesday evening until 12th April.
  • Team names will need to be registered on the Team sheet on the notice board by noon on Sunday 16th January 2022. (Deadline extended because of the bar closure.)
  • Each team will consist of TWO members, one being the Captain (who will be the contact for the team). Please give an email address or a phone number on the team sheet.
    • If, because of the bar closure, you can’t sign up then please leave a comment below with
      • Team name.
      • Team captain’s name and phone number.
      • Name of the second person in the team.
  • Substitutes are allowed for games. If a substitute plays more games than the original player then only they can play in any semi final or final
  • Each Team will have a Name and will play in a rotation system so that all teams play each other. (Look on the sheet for your next game.)
  • The games will consist of 10 ends to be played on the Clubs SNOOKER TABLES
  • There will be a small charge for each team of £10.  ie. the cost is £5 per person for the whole season plus table lighting.
  • Each team will be able to accrue scores throughout the competition.  The team that wins gets 2 points. If there’s a draw each team gets 1 point.
  • There will be Prizes for the winning teams at the end of the season.

Good Luck!
Please Note: No food is allowed in the Snooker Room