
All members invited to the tennis open day.

The Tennis Section of the Hungerford Club is excited to be holding a members day on Saturday 29th May (the Bank Holiday Weekend). Although it is being organised by the Tennis Section, it is very informal and all Hungerford Club members who would like to take part are welcome.

Lockdown restrictions were eased from 17th May, however by law we will still be restricted to the ‘Rule of 30’ for post-play social/catering (the ‘Rule of 30’ will also apply to group tennis play from the 17th).
The day will therefore take the form of two separate Club Play slots from 10am-1pm (Club Play finishing from around 12pm, with food and drink available at the Hungerford Club from around 12pm), and 4pm-7pm (food and drink from 6pm). 
Tennis and post tennis numbers will need to be managed carefully so that we can remain within the tennis and social gathering limits.

If you would like to participate on the day:

The Tennis Section will then contact you nearer the time with further information.


Opening times from 17th May 2021

The Government restrictions are slightly relaxed from Monday 17th May 2021.

Indoor service is allowed, subject to:

  • Groups of up to six people or two households of any size
  • Table order and service only indoor or outdoor
  • Remain seated whilst eating and/or drinkingWhen not seated, face coverings must be worn (e.g. when going to/from a toilet or a table)
  • Social distancing of 1m+ to continue to be observed
  • All aged over 16 must sign in or use NHS app for track and traceGroups outside can be up to 30 people (socially distanced)

Whilst not part of the Government restrictions, please leave the furniture where it has been placed, it is there for your own safety!

Thank you

Opening hoursNotes
MondayLunchtime – closed
Evening – 7pm – 10pm

starting Mon 24th May
TuesdayLunchtime – closed
Evening – 7pm – 10pm

starting Tue 25th May
Wednesday12 noon – 10pm
Thursday12 noon – 10pm
Friday12 noon – 10pm
Saturday12 noon – 5pm
Sunday12 noon – 5pm
Opening hours from Monday 17th May 2021

Re-opening dates

The Hungerford Club is pleased to announce that it will re-open on the following dates.


Tennis will open on the 29th March, subject to restrictions as issued via the LTA and already circulated to tennis section members.

The Bowls Green will reopen on Saturday 17th April.

The Club House

The Club House will re-open on Wednesday 14th April for outdoor table service to members only. Social distancing rules still apply.

At present it has been decided to open as below, but subject to weather conditions, as it may be decided not to serve outdoors during inclement weather. Indoor service is not permitted by Government restrictions.

Wednesday12:00 – 15:0019:00 – 22:00
Thursday12:00 – 15:0019:00 – 22:00
Friday12:00 – 15:0019:00 – 22:00
Saturday12:00 – 17:00Closed except for bowls matches
Sunday12:00 – 17:00Closed except for bowls matches
Club house opening times for outdoor drinks. 14th April – 17th May

Indoor sports – membership renewal

Those members who may wish to renew their membership without visiting the club may do so by following the guidelines here.

Subscriptions and outdoor sports renewal

We would like to remind members that subscriptions for 2021 become due on 1st April 2021. Subscription rates and details for renewing bowls and tennis membership are published here.

We look forward to welcoming you back to the Hungerford Club.


Indoor Sports – Renew membership 2021

The Civid-9 pandemic has affected many organisations and The Hungerford Club has not been immune. The various lock downs have closed all the sports activities for much of the year past and for the Indoor Sports section this has meant no access to the club building and bar.

The Tennis section uses the LTA Clubspark site to administer membership. The Bowls section has a membership secretary who handles their renewals by emails and the post. Members of these sections may, therefore, renew their membership without visiting the club.

In the past the Indoor Sports section have had to visit the club to collect a renewal form from the club bar. Once completed members would hand the form to the bar staff and pay the subscription whereupon a receipt would be issued. Please be assured, members may still do this when the bar is open.

We are aware there may be Indoor Sports members who would like to renew their membership without having to visit the bar.

Please follow these steps to renew your Indoor Sports (social) membership without having to visit the bar.

  • Download the renewal form by clicking the “Download” button above. Save the file rather than opening in your browser.
  • The form should be saved to your Downloads folder. Locate it and open the form in a PDF viewer (Adobe Acrobat on Windows, Preview on Apple Macs).
  • Complete the form and save it. Do not open in a browser – you may not be able to save your completed form.
  • Use a bank transfer (details on the form) to pay the subscription. Please use your name as the payment reference. Click here for details of the subscriptions.
  • Finally, please send an email to and attach the completed form. Please include in your email the date of the bank transfer.


Subscription rates – 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022

Update: These are the subscription rates for 2021-2022. Please click the link to read the new subscription rates from 1st April 2022.

Subscriptions run from 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022. Each section has different subscription rates.

Indoor Sports

Over 65£36.00Over 65 – Couple£61.00
Over 65 & Single£72.00
Full Time Student£25.00Temporary Member£20.00
Payment for membership to the bar or by bank transfer


Over 65£70.00Over 65 Couple£131.00
Over 65 & Single£142.00Over 65 & Indoor Sports£108.00
Single & Indoor sports£114.00Over 65 & over 65 Indoor Sports£97.00
Single & Over 65 Indoor Sports£108.00
Note: additional charges for competition entry and a green use levy. Bowls Membership Form is available from the bar.


Family£251.00Full Time Student£58.00
Junior (12-17 years)£35.00Junior (under 12 years)£23.00
Membership via Clubspark:


Getting ready!

The recent spell of pleasant weather provided an opportunity for both the Bowls and Tennis sections to prepare for the restrictions on outdoor sports to be lifted.

The bowls section have treated the green with both a fertiliser and moss treatment. The latter has given the green a rather dark look but that is to be expected.

Bowling grren looking a little dark after moss treatment.
Bowling green looking good after moss treatment.

Meanwhile the tennis section have been cleaning the courts. Again, moss is the problem. To really clean the court surface a powerful jet washer was hired. This has a rotating head with multiple jets. The machine is slowly pushed over the courts, cleaning a stripe on each pass. Really stubborn parts can be give an extra clean using the lance which is also used to jet the resulting dirt to the edges of the courts.


COVID Update – 24th Feb 2021

Due to the government lock down restrictions the Hungerford Club is closed. There are no tennis or bowls activities at the moment.

Following the recent government announcements and, in consultation with Bowls England and the Lawn Tennis Association, we are looking forward to opening for outdoor sports “no earlier than” 29th March 2021. To that end we have started preparing the courts and green in anticipation. All the club buildings will remain closed.

We are evaluating the guidance that drinks may be served “no earlier than” 12th April 2021 to members sitting outdoors. No firm decision has been made but we hope to have further news soon.

We would like to remind members that subscriptions for 2021 are due from 1st April 2021.


New website

Welcome to the new Hungerford Club website.

The previous website needed some fairly serious work to bring it up to day. The problem wasn’t just with the content but also with the website software too. The answer was to re-engineer the site with new software running on a new server. We hope you like it!