
Hungerford Bowls Club Roll ups!

Play the game that Henry VIII banned!

If you would like to have a go at bowls, come along to one of our roll up sessions.

The Bowls section hold regular roll up sessions. You don’t need any experience. We’ll explain the rules, which are very straight forward, and supply a set of bowls. If you want a quick introduction to the game then read about it here and when you are ready just put on a pair of flat shoes or trainers please and come along.

The sessions are

  • Monday evening 6 – 8pm
  • Tuesday afternoon 2 – 4pm
  • Friday afternoon 2 – 4pm

For more information about the roll up sessions either email or add a comment via the front page and we’ll reply to you.

See the Hungerford Bowls Club website here

By Paul Ivinson

Administrator of the Hungerford Club website